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Ich lese gerade

Fifty Writers on Fifty Shades of Grey
Lois H. Gresh, Heather Graham, Midori, Sylvia Day, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Hope Tarr, Marc Shapiro, Jennifer Armintrout, Cecilia Tan, M. Christian, Ryan Field, Debra Hyde, Katharine Sands, Lori Perkins, Pamela Madsen, Judith Regan, Catherine Hiller, D.L. King, Lyss Stern, Rak
Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond
Kim Harrison
Cynthia Hand
Chicks Kick Butt
Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle)
Christopher Paolini
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen (Geist und Psyche)
Medard Boss
Philippa Ballantine
Jamie McGuire
Bonded by Blood
Laurie London
My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon

Beast (Avon Romantic Treasure)

Beast - Judith Ivory I'm such a sucker for books like this one.

The Duke Is Mine

The Duke Is Mine - Eloisa James Don't want to read because I know that I won't enjoy this book. (Future Self, if you think I was just being picky again, read this review. For the third time. Right now I read it for the second time because apparently I didn't believe my past self. Urgghh! XD)

You Are Here

You Are Here - Jennifer E. Smith I still can't talk about what happened with me when I read The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight, so I'm very wary about You Are Here. Will probably borrow it from someone. :>

The Song Remains the Same

The Song Remains the Same - Allison Winn Scotch I'm sure this book is certainly great, and it's not that I dnfed it or anything. I just don't plan to read it because I know that I won't enjoy certain parts of the story. : )

Livy: Book I (Bk. 1)

Livy: Book I (Bk. 1) - J.L. Whiteley, Livy, H.E. Gould This one comes Highly Recommended. ; )


Velveteen - Daniel Marks Holy cow. Found this one just now, can't wait! (THANK YOU WOW XD)

Airel (The Airel Saga, Book 1)

Airel - Aaron Patterson, Chris  White Male authors. Nuff said.

Immortal City

Immortal City - Scott Speer male. author. nuff said.

Pizza, Love, and Other Stuff That Made Me Famous (Christy Ottaviano Books)

Pizza, Love, and Other Stuff That Made Me Famous - Kathryn Williams Pizza. Love.That's it. Added.

Coming Out Straight

Coming Out Straight - Richard Cohen Or: Coming Out Straight: A Guide to Understanding Why Homo-, Bi-, Pan-, Whateversexuals Kill Themselves.

Twilight, True Love and You: Seven Secret Steps to Finding Your Edward or Jacob

Twilight, True Love and You: Seven Secret Steps to Finding Your Edward or Jacob - Louise Deacon Not sure if.. want to read because Bitch Please, this gotta be a parody. Or don't want to read because Holy cow, they killed trees for this.*moved book from "nope-not-interested-dnf" shelf to "keep-in-mind"*Update. Just read the excerpt.. and I think, though I am clearly not the targeted audience, there might be some people who could actually learn something from what this woman wrote there.Yes, most of us will know why Twilight is popular and why it shouldn't be and blabla and why teenagers feel attracted to Edward despite his creepy behaviour, plus why that is just as creepy most of the times, but come on, this woman actually tells them that they see their mother in Edward.This is win!

Dangerous Boy

Dangerous Boy - Mandy Hubbard JEKYLL HYDE DAMN YES

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf - Konrad Heiden, Adolf Hitler, Ralph Manheim As a German, and a person who wants to know, I think I should read this.As a person living in Germany I am not allowed to.


Above - Leah Bobet I have no idea why I want to have this book. I didn't even read the blurb. I guess the cover did it for me.. *ashamed*

Raising the Perfect Child Through Guilt and Manipulation

Raising the Perfect Child Through Guilt and Manipulation - Elizabeth Beckwith I need this one and similiar books for future children.

Making and Manipulating Marionettes

Making and Manipulating Marionettes - David Currell This cover. Seriously.