Dear Author,you might wonder why I, along with so many others, put your book on the not-interested shelf. Maybe not. I mean, you obviously don't really care, riiight?Anyway: The review you ranted about made me curious. I wanted to pick up your book just to know if I'd like it or not. This is how reviews work. I read 5 star reviews and I don't plan to pick the book up, I read negative reviews and I'm intrigued. BUT:Your reaction made it obvious that even if this book was brilliant, I wouldn't want to add a cent to your income. I might write a letter to my (great-great-great-great-great)x2-granddaughter to read this when she is thirty. I think until then this book will be available for free..And- I'm not negative, I'm just being honest - You need a PR agent with your attitude.