Before:So, I actually am reading this because someone else posted something about men in literature and stuff. Which led me to my mom, who studied psychology and read a dozen of these sort of books.I asked her if she still had some from her time in university and she gave me about.. five? Yes, I think she had five upstairs and told me where to look for the others and there are two I'm currently reading. One about family issues in fairy tales (quite interesting, though a little icky) and this one, which isn't about a phenomenon in literature, but sexual perversions in general. I think it's quite interesting to have homosexuality listed in the book, but it was published in 1966 and homosexuality was considered a disease back then, if I recall correctly. Anyway, I'm very curious about the content. It's sad to see that there aren't that many people who have books like this one on their shelves. I'll start to add my psychological literature from now on, I think. Although I won't be able to add the ones I've read already anytime soon. Finished: